XM 7 Agency Executive Protection
If you consider traveling to Traver, California or anywhere in the world and need Executive Protection or hiring a Legal Courier Specialist or a Trustful Security Company that will protect you assets, you came to the right place. XM 7 Agency protect clients from paparazzi, stalking, kidnapping, assault, bodily injury, or invasion of privacy. We often work with local police and other law enforcement agencies.
See here all other legal services
XM Seven Agency consists of active or retired law enforcement, military and special forces personnel with years of experience to assist you in any security related situation, ready to travel where needed. All our agents are current registered with S.I.A., B.S.I.S., D.C.A., C.P.D.A. and P.S.T.A. See our direct website here
If you need Executive Protection, contact us here
** If you are an Attorney at Law or Law Firm in which there is at least one Legal XM member attorney or detective services, you may join Legal XM at the “Additional Member” rate of $149.00. After applying for additional members please contact our office at 1. 619. 846. 2123 so that your account can be properly linked with your firm. See Plans and Prices Here
* We DO NOT distribute, sell, or rent your name or personal information to any third party. This includes any e-mail addresses, phone numbers or mailing addresses that you provide. All our conversation, files, forms, etc are kept strictly confidential.