Legal XM is an online Directory for Law Firms, Attorneys, Detective Agencies and Executive Protection Companies.
Founded by XM Solutions LLC in 2008, Legal XM is a San Diego, CA based Company and has an incredible history of results protecting business owners and private parties. XM Solutions LLC has now partnered with other honorable Attorneys, Investigators and Law Firms and is serving customers all over the world.

The Legal XM Network is your assurance of working with a company that is experienced in law, investigation, business acquisition, social marketing and Internet technologies. Meet the Management

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Services to the public and it`s own members.

Legal XM provides online marketing and business development services for lawyers, law firms and detective agencies by creating the most efficient and simple method for private entities or businesses to find legal help.
We provide services to businesses and private entities all over the world who need legal advice, detective services, and executive protection.

“Intelligent Shield Services is finding the perfect balance between helping and protecting the client while letting him work and live as normal life as possible. We will ensure that your experience will be a pleasurable one from start to finish”   Jenel Murgu, CEO – XM Solutions LLC

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